530 research outputs found

    Education for development in the vision of portuguese NGDOs

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    Pretendendo analisar as conceções práticas e teóricas de três Organizações Não Governamentais para o Desenvolvimento portuguesas. Foi desenvolvida a presente investigação em torno da temática da Educação para o Desenvolvimento, enquadrada no Mestrado de Estudos de Desenvolvimento. Assim, como é possível observar nas várias dinâmicas mundiais, também a Educação para o Desenvolvimento tem sofrido mudanças profundas nas suas várias vertentes, em particular, em Portugal. Por essa razão é proposto tratar este tema, considerado uma problemática atual do vasto universo do Desenvolvimento. Através de um modelo de estudo qualitativo assente num estudo múltiplo de casos, conhecemos três casos distintos de práticas em Educação para o Desenvolvimento, nas ONGD portuguesas: Centro de Informação e Documentação Amílcar Cabral (CIDAC); Instituto Marquês de Valle-Flôr (IMVF); e Ação e Integração para o Desenvolvimento Global (AIDGLOBAL). É apresentando uma visão empírica das abordagens conceptuais, as formas de atuação e a relação institucional destas com o Estado português. Desta forma, foi possível concluir sobre os novos desafios que esta temática enfrenta. A informação recolhida foi complementada pela análise documental, incluindo bibliografia, fontes e relatórios de avaliação das práticas das ONGD. Concluímos que a ED atravessa, na atualidade, uma fase de mudanças, onde se afirmam novos atores de Desenvolvimento e sobre os quais as ONGD não querem ficar atrás, encontrando todas as oportunidades para deixar uma marca significativa do seu trabalho junto do públicoSeeking to analyze the practical and theoretical conceptions of three Portuguese Nongovernmental Development Organizations, about the theme of Development Education. This research was developed as part of the Master of Development Studies. Thus, as it is possible to observe in the various world dynamics, also Education for Development has undergone profound changes in its various aspects, particularly in Portugal. For this reason, it is proposed to treat this theme, considered a problematic feature of the vast universe of Development. Through a qualitative research, there is a multiple case study, we identify three distinct cases of practices in Development Education, in the Portuguese NGDOS: Centro de Informação e Documentação Amílcar Cabral (CIDAC); Instituto Marquês de Valle- Flôr (IMVF); e Ação e Integração para o Desenvolvimento Global (AIDGLOBAL). It is presented an empirical view of the conceptual approaches, ways of appraisal and the institutional relationship with the Portuguese State. As it so, it was possible to conclude on the new challenges that this issue faces. The information gathered was complemented by documentary analysis, including bibliography, sources and reports of evaluation of the practices of the NGDOS. We conclude that Development Education is currently experiencing a phase of change, where new development actors are affirmed and on which the NGDOS do not want to stay behind, finding all the opportunities to leave a meaningful mark with the publi

    RN4Cast study in Portugal: nurses and care left undone

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    Background: Over the past decades, nursing in Portugal has evolved greatly both academically and professionally and this evolution brought along growing concerns about the quality of the healthcare provided. Due to lack of time or poor organization of the workload, nurses are often faced with the need to choose between what must be done and what will have to be postponed or even not be done at all. Objective: To investigate the care activities that are most frequently left undone or are postponed by nurses working in medical and surgical inpatient units in Portugal. Methods: A descriptive, cross-sectional, quantitative study that follows the RN4CAST (Nurse Forecasting in Europe) methodology was carried out from October 2013 to April 2014. A total of 31 hospitals and a random sample of adult medical-surgical units were involved. The data were collected using a socio-demographic questionnaire and a nursing questionnaire that included the identification of the nursing activities of surveillance and direct patient care that were necessary but postponed or not performed by nurses in their most recent shift. Results: A total of 2,235 nurses participated. Almost all participants had a nursing bachelor degree (98.2%). The most frequently left undone or postponed care items were “Educating patients and family” (50.2%) and “Comfort/talk with patients” (50.1%); the least frequently left undone items were “Treatments and procedures” (3.9%) and “Pain management” (5.6%). Nurses in the North and Center regions of the country were the ones who reported less care left undone due to lack of time. Nurses under the age of 40 were those who reported a highest number of activities left undone. Conclusions: Nurses make selective choices about the care activities that are crucial for the patient. Some activities that may not have an immediate impact on the health of the patients are sidelined, although they may have an impact on other important healthcare quality indicators.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    How footwear companies can use online CX to WOW customers

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    Purpose: E-commerce has become an essential and highly competitive channel for e-retailers, who have felt the need to invest in the experience delivered to customers. Therefore, it becomes necessary to unveil the online customer experience so that brands can improve their offerings. In this study, the authors proposed a model that explores customer experience on websites, namely, what concerns the use of the latest technological developments such as artificial intelligence, augmented reality and virtual reality. Design/methodology/approach: The study offers a model to explore and compare the online consumer experience in e-commerce websites, considering eight dimensions that cover recent technological advances. A multiple case study that evaluated companies in the footwear industry was used to assess the model's applicability. The case study methodology considered two distinct segments, the high-price and low-price segments. Findings: The data collected by the websites' examination enabled us to confirm part of the suggested propositions. However, propositions concerning new technologies were not proved. Opportunities for improvement were identified, especially for high-price segment companies, since the results showed that these companies provide a less pleasant consumer experience than those of the opposing segment. Originality/value: This study extends the scope of the online consumer experience by introducing more contemporary dimensions. Additionally, the model allows an evaluation and comparison of the knowledge delivered by several online retailers, using the Portuguese footwear industry as a reference.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    A educação para o desenvolvimento na visão das ONGD portuguesas: estudos de caso

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    A presente dissertação de Mestrado em Estudos de Desenvolvimento analisa as conceções práticas e teóricas de três Organizações Não Governamentais para o Desenvolvimento portuguesas, em torno da temática da Educação para o Desenvolvimento. Esta análise pretende responder à pergunta: “Como tem sido implementada a Educação para o Desenvolvimento pelas ONGD portuguesas nos últimos três anos (2014-2017)? Assim, como é possível observar nas várias dinâmicas mundiais, também a Educação para o Desenvolvimento tem sofrido mudanças profundas nas suas várias vertentes, em particular, em Portugal. Por essa razão é proposto tratar este tema, considerado uma problemática atual do vasto universo do Desenvolvimento. Através de um modelo de estudo qualitativo assente num estudo múltiplo de casos, conhecemos três casos distintos de práticas em Educação para o Desenvolvimento, nas ONGD portuguesas. Esta dissertação procura fornecer uma visão empírica das abordagens conceptuais, as formas de atuação e a relação institucional destas com o Estado português. Desta forma, foi possível concluir sobre os novos desafios que esta temática enfrenta. A informação recolhida foi complementada pela análise documental, incluindo bibliografia, fontes e relatórios de avaliação das práticas das ONGD. Concluímos que a ED atravessa, na atualidade, uma fase de mudanças, onde se afirmam novos atores de Desenvolvimento e sobre os quais as ONGD não querem ficar atrás, encontrando todas as oportunidades para deixar uma marca significativa do seu trabalho junto do público.The present master’s dissertation in Development Studies seeks to analyze the practical and theoretical conceptions of three Portuguese Non-Governmental Development Organizations, about the theme of Development Education. This analysis intends to answer the question: "How has Development Education been implemented by the Portuguese NGDOs in the last three years (2014-2017)? Thus, as it is possible to observe in the worldwide dynamics, also the Development Education has undergone profound changes in its various aspects, in Portugal. For this reason, it is proposed to treat this theme, considered a current problem of the vast universe of Development. Through a qualitative research, the present multiple case study, planned to identify three distinct cases of practices in Development Education in the Portuguese NGDOs. This dissertation seeks to provide an empirical view of the conceptual approaches, the work procedures and the institutional relationship with the Portuguese State. Accordingly, it was possible to conclude on the new challenges that this theme faces. The information collected was complemented by documentary analysis, including bibliography, sources and evaluation reports of the practices of the NGDOs. This work concluded that Development Education is currently experiencing a phase of change, where new development actors are affirmed and on which the NGDOs do not want to stay behind, finding all the opportunities to leave a meaningful mark with the public

    Consumer society and the 24/7 universe

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    In the book 24/4: Late capitalism and the ends of sleep, Jonathan Crary presents several examples to discuss the interferences of the capitalism and technological development on the humankind. The intense relationship with gadgets, the submission to the labor logic and the speed of productivity, as well as the man’s devotion to material consumption are highlighted by the author as collateral effects of the neoliberal globalization. The 24/7 universe defended by Crary surrounds our lives and binds us to a restless reality.Em 24/7: Capitalismo tardio e os fins do sono, Jonathan Crary ilustra em diversas situações as interferências do capitalismo e dos avanços tecnológicos sobre a humanidade. As intensas relações com os dispositivos eletrônicos, a submissão ao trabalho e ao ritmo produtivo acelerado, bem como a devoção ao consumo material são apontadas pelo autor como efeitos colaterais da globalização neoliberal. O universo 24/7, defende Crary, cerca nossas vidas e nos aprisiona em uma realidade sem descanso

    Affective messages: a reflection on the pedagogical value of advertising from Apple’s ad balloons

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    The pedagogical value of advertising, here delimited by the ability to spread knowledge, promote social transformations, propagate conducts and lifestyles associated with products and brands, impels us to reflect on the field of communication as a media sphere of dissemination and construction of affective bonds. Based on a literary review, we analyzed a commercial to elucidate how to consolidate the possible partnership between commercial content and sensitive appeals.O valor pedagógico da publicidade, aqui delimitado pela capacidade de difundir conhecimento, promover transformações sociais, propagar condutas e estilos de vida associados a produtos e marcas, nos impulsiona à reflexão sobre o campo comunicacional enquanto esfera midiática de disseminação e construção de vínculos afetivos. Partindo de uma revisão literária, analisamos um anúncio publicitário objetivando elucidar como se articula a possível parceria entre conteúdos comerciais e apelos sensíveis

    Fibromialgia: o desafio do diagnóstico

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    Introdução: A Fibromialgia é definida como uma síndrome dolorosa crónica, que se manifesta no sistema músculo-esquelético através de dor generalizada e com múltiplos pontos anatómicos dolorosos detetáveis ao exame físico. Está muitas vezes associada a sono não reparador, fadiga, perturbações cognitivas e alterações do humor. A sua prevalência situa-se em 3,6% na população portuguesa, podendo muitos casos estar subdiagnosticados, e muitos dos doentes permanecem numa incerteza diagnóstica durante vários meses ou anos. Objetivos: Com o presente estudo pretende-se caracterizar as dificuldades sentidas no diagnóstico da Fibromialgia, quantificar a demora ocorrida na definição do diagnóstico e conhecer o procedimento seguido após o diagnóstico, pelos médicos de Medicina Geral e Familiar. Métodos: Durante os meses de Janeiro de 2010 a Fevereiro de 2012 foi aplicado um questionário a médicos de Medicina Geral e Familiar, num universo de 257 médicos, com questões que abordavam: variáveis destinadas à caracterização da amostra; variáveis destinadas a apreender o conhecimento sobre a patologia, bem como a sua dificuldade diagnóstica; variáveis destinadas à avaliação da demora na definição do diagnóstico da Fibromialgia; variáveis relativas ao procedimento após a definição do diagnóstico (tratamento e/ou referenciação). Foram distribuídos 100 formulários, dos quais 56 foram preenchidos tendo sido todos contabilizados. Resultados: A perceção de que a Fibromialgia representa uma entidade nosológica difícil de definir foi referida por 91% da amostra; 81% dos médicos sentiram dificuldades no diagnóstico, sendo que 28.2% salientaram a dificuldade no diagnóstico diferencial. A demora média do diagnóstico foi de 12,3 meses. Relativamente ao procedimento médico após o diagnóstico verificou-se que 39% dos inquiridos tratam e/ou referenciam os doentes para outras especialidades; 22% tratam os utentes; 39% apenas referenciam para outras especialidades, sendo a Reumatologia a especialidade de maior referência (63%). Conclusão: A demora média do diagnóstico foi de 12,3 meses, com desvio padrão de 4,943. Os inquiridos reconhecem que deveria haver maior celeridade no diagnóstico apontando como sugestões: maior facilidade na referenciação para especialidade; desenvolvimento de programas de formação para os profissionais de saúde, nomeadamente os médicos de Medicina Geral e Familiar.Introduction: Fibromyalgia is defined as a chronic pain syndrome, which manifests itself in the musculoskeletal system through widespread pain and multiple anatomical tender points detectable on physical examination. It is often associated with non-restorative sleep, fatigue, cognitive disturbances and mood swings. Its prevalence stands at 3.6% in the Portuguese population. Many cases may be undiagnosed, and many patients remain in a diagnostic uncertainty for several months or years. Goals: The goal of the present study is to characterize the difficulties experienced in the diagnosis of fibromyalgia, to quantify the delay occurring in the definition of the diagnosis and to know the procedure after the diagnosis by general practice doctors. Methods: During the months of January 2010 to February 2012 was applied a questionnaire to general practice doctors, a total of 257 physicians, with questions that addressed: variables for the characterization of the sample; variables designed to capture the knowledge of the pathology as well as its diagnostic difficulty; variables designed to assess the delay in defining the diagnosis of fibromyalgia; variables related to the procedure after the definition of the diagnosis (treatment and/or referral to other specialties). 100 forms were distributed, of which 56 were filled and counted. Results: The perception that fibromyalgia represents an entity difficult to define was reported by 91% of the physicians; 81% felt difficulties in diagnosis, and 28.2% pointed out the difficulty in differential diagnosis. The average delay of diagnosis was 12.3 months. For the medical procedure after diagnosis, 39% of the surveyed treat and/or refer the patient to other specialties, 22% treat them, and 39% refer to other specialties, mostly to Rheumatology (63 %). Conclusions: The average delay of diagnosis was 12.3 months, with standard deviation of 4.943. Physicians recognize that there should be a reduction in the time to make the diagnosis, and they point some suggestions: greater accessibility to specialist referral; development of training programs to health professionals, namely doctors from general practice